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Rainer Schladt Ferienwohnungen
Kleingasse 6
67435 Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße

Phone.: +49 6321 9706024
E-Mail: info@winzerhof-mussbach.de


Rainer Schladt

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Rainer Schladt


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Picture credits:

© iStock.com/monkeybusinessimages
© iStock.com/SolStock
© iStock.com/LianeM
© iStock.com/wilpunt
© iStock.com/Lifestyle
© iStock.com/FotografieLink
© iStock.com/Liubov Khutter-Kukkonin
© iStock.com/jacoblund
© Photoperle – stock.adobe.com
© stefanasal – stock.adobe.com
© Jasmin Fischer

The picture of the Hambach castle was kindly provided by:
Foto: CC BY-SA Dominik Ketz